Our beginnings come from agriculture in Suphanburi where fish are used to preserve food. It is a local wisdom known as “Sun-Dried Fish” until it is well known and has become one of the main occupations that generate income for the local community. Nowadays, it has become one of Suphanburi's identity. 
SUKSOMMAI FOODS RUNGRUEANG GROUP COMPANY LIMITED has the ideal concept to enhance the local product to be competitive at the international stage along with sustainable community development

  The company has developed products and standards by being inspected according to the standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has been selected for OTOP at a five-star level since 1979. Until now, the GMP Codex has been certified by the British Standards Institute BSI.


 Salid Land  Quality and standard


Organise staff training once a month to assist in completing and completing the goal group. which entails or is anticipated to be brought about through work
Produce high-quality goods to satisfy client demand and pay attention to their demands
exhibit things to increase sales also market the product to gain greater exposure, reach more buyers, etc.
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